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Caramel Popcorn Ice Cream

Difficulty Rating 2/5 Who doesn’t love ice cream? Alot will not eat it though because it is so bad for us. As always inĀ  my blog, I never use full fat everything and always look for slightly healthier alternatives so we can enjoy good food all the time with a lot less guilt. Made to […]

Fondant Potatoes.

These little delights are nothing more than a big roast potato essentially. Only cooked very differently with numerous connotations. With so many variations on the theme I won’t say what’s gospel, just a few tips I learnt on the way. 1) You need a waxy potato for this one otherwise a floury one will collapse […]

Fresh Pasta Masterclass

Pasta Class. I’m sure many of you have had problems with making pasta from recipes alone. I hopefully can dispel some of the problems you may come across. 1) I always find the amounts listed in recipes never works. So I use 100g strong flour(at least 13g/100g protein) to 2 egg yolks. Plus a little […]